Instagram hack #2

Here’s a trick that you may well know about but it’s one that has made my Instagram viewing MUCH better.

Once I went through and favourited the top 100 accounts I was most interested in (see previous journal entry), the next thing I had to was to snooze suggested posts. These are the random, and mostly animated posts that the Instagram algorithm loves to insert into your feed to keep you watching as long as possible.

These constant videos made me feel anxious, I’m not really into watching loads of random, fast paced content from accounts I have no interest in, and I was enjoying the platform less and less until my friend’s daughter showed me how to snooze the posts.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Next time you’re shown a suggested post, you’ll find a three dots icon in the upper right corner of that post. Click on that.

  2. Click on “not interested”

  3. Select the text that says “Snooze all suggested posts in feed for 30 days.”

And you’re done for 30 days (unfortunately you have to keep doing it), you’ll notice how much calmer you feel when browsing Instagram.


instagram hack #1